Did you know signage and graphics can actually help your business during Covid-19? Here are some helpful tips.

Focus on services that make a difference. If your business has services that will positively impact your clients during coronavirus, you should do everything you can to get this message across. Use your signage to promote services that your customers can utilize while adhering to social distancing rules. These could include services such as online ordering, curbside delivery, contact-free service, and virtual support.

Switch your marketing message. If you run a retail business, in more normal circumstances you might use the perception of scarcity as an effective sales tactic in much of your display signage. Making statements such as “while stocks last” will prompt buyers to act quickly. However, in light of the panic buying that has surrounded the coronavirus, it is essential that you don’t try to utilize this tactic right now. If an item is liable to run out, you may want to put buying restrictions in place to ensure everyone is able to get what they need. To do this, you will need product signage that clearly states your purchase limits.

Stay positive. Use the platforms that you have to put out a message of positivity. Remind customers that you will continue to be here for them. This is the perfect time for you to revisit your company’s mission statement and look for the most appropriate message to communicate – perhaps a little more emphasis on supporting your customers and your community, while expressing your gratitude for your loyal customers.

Voice your support for frontline workers. Use your signage to highlight the excellent work that frontline workers – such as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals – are engaging in during this time. Create signage that shows your support and gratitude for them. Not only is this a positive message that those around you need to see, but it is another way for your business to show that it cares, thereby vesting itself further in your community.

During the coronavirus pandemic, there is a lot of uncertainty. The messages that worked for you yesterday may not be suitable today. You’ll need to rise to the new marketing challenge. Quick-printed, well-designed signs will allow you to do just that. Get in touch today to see how Stafford Printing can help you!