What have we been up to? A lot, actually! We are trying to focus on the positive and there are plenty of positive things happening here at Stafford Printing: book-binding, oversized banners, and interesting die-cutting projects. Here are some of our featured client projects.

Rain Forest Trust

RainForest Trust always delivers professional, polished materials and we are happy to print them! Their most recent conservation piece was an 8.5 x 11 booklet.

Did you know . . . Rainforest Trust purchases and protects the most threatened tropical forests, saving endangered wildlife through partnerships and community engagement.

Their unique, cost-effective conservation model for protecting endangered species has been implemented successfully for over 30 years!

You can see their current projects here.

Fredericksburg Area Museum

Fredericksburg Area Museum is OPEN! We printed this oversized banner to help them safely re-connect with their patrons. Have you ever been there? Check out their current exhibitions here. Local businesses need your support!

3-D Die-Cutting

How cool is this little guy? Michael, our die-cutting talent, conceived and created this fun dinosaur as a beta test for future projects.

Interesting 3-dimensional shapes are a unique way to make yourself stand out and get the attention of your customers. We custom make these! Got a project in mind? Let us know!